I am Ruth Veda.
A certified Compassionate Inquirer & Massage Therapist.
Here to support you
in connecting with yourself.
I am here for anyone if you...
Would like to change your state of mind to one of possibilities?
Have aches & pains or are stressed & tense?
Do you have doubts, low self esteem & lack of confidence?
Would like to feel happier & calmer?
Want to understand yourself from a place of compassion?
I can support you with...

Compassionate Inquiry
Relational therapy for you to become present to yourself and explore any issue you are having, zoom or in person.

Massage Therapy
In the convenience of your own home or within my comfortable home. A combination of techniques and technology to give you a truly holistic experience.

Breathwork Programme
2-hr weekly guided breathwork sessions with support & integration. Working with 'The Psychedelic Map For Change'

Nurture, nourish and connect to yourself at my home within the lush Surrey Hills, UK.
Bespoke to your requirements, with a combination of modalities and time in nature.

I always come with lots of ailments and sore points and Ruth tailors a bespoke massage to unravel me. By committing to regular massage treatments I am really investing in myself and my well being, which ensures I am at my best for myself, my family & my staff.

Jo Hocking

About Me
I grew up wanting to help people and making everything 'alright'.
I still do, but now in my 40's with plenty of life experiences I have arrived at much more conscious place and not one where I fill a void with the belief that I am not good enough.
I work with my clients helping them to be 100% responsible, this is where I have found we can change our story from victim to creator. Through body work and compassionate inquiry I hold a safe space of curiosity for you to explore and understand yourself.
On my journey from Paramedic to Massage Therapist and then to Compassionate Inquirer I have come to realise that taking care of the body & mind is essential as it really is the only place that you live.